In The Lettering Workshops, you’ll learn all about the art and practice of drawing letters using hands-on techniques in five workshops across 30 lessons! Whether you’re a beginner or a professional graphic designer, you'll quickly learn how to develop and advance your lettering skills.In this richly illustrated book of lessons and exercises, you’ll find:• 5 Workshops to learn the art of drawing letters—from an introduction to brush lettering and lettering script to the decoration of letters; from the secrets of good composition to the process of digitization and vectorization of your type• 30 Exercises that gradually develop from beginner through intermediate and advanced difficulty • 16 Studies of works to understand what makes good lettering• 52 Inspirational contributions in featured galleries from international brands • 160 Pages for all skill levels• 26 Letters to learn and explore!TABLE OF CONTENTSWhat Is Lettering?Why This Book?First LessonLettering, Calligraphy, or Typography?Basics and Technical VocabularyWORKSHOP 1: DISCOVERING BRUSH LETTERINGExercise 1: Find the Right PositionExercise 2: Set Up a GridExercise 3: Execute the First MovementsExercise 4: Place LettersExercsise 5: Join the LettersExercise 6: Retracing Your TracksWork StudiesGalleryWORKSHOP 2: INITIATING SCRIPT LETTERINGExercise 1: Discover the Skeleton TechniqueExercise 2: Trace an AlphabetExercise 3: Draw a Full WordExercise 4: Execute a Classic Script LetterExercise 5: Out of Your Comfort ZoneWork StudiesGalleryWORKSHOP 3: USING TYPOGRAPHICAL CHARACTERSExercise 1: Decorate a LetterExercise 2: A Complete Word ExerciseExercise 3: Go Further with a Vintage StyleExercise 4: Discover the InterlockExercise 5: Work the InterlockExercise 6: Realize Complete Lettering in InterlockWork StudiesGalleryWORKSHOP 4: THE SECRETS OF A GOOD COMPOSITIONExercise 1: Thinking in BlockExercise 2: Execute the First SketchesExercise 3: Choose the Word StylesExercise 4: Tracing the SkeletonExercise 5: Develop and Finalize Your TrackWork StudiesGalleryWORKSHOP 5: SCANNING AND VECTORIZATIONExercise 1: Scan and Prepare Your LetteringExercise 2: First Steps to VectorizationExercise 3: Testing the Summit TheoryExercise 4: Vectorize the Entire Set of LettersExercise 5: Critiquing Vectorized LettersExercise 6: Prepare Lettering without VectorizationExercise 7: Isolate LetteringExercise 8: Apply TextureExercise 9: Finalizing the CompositionGalleryThe Artists in This BookResources